The thesis is about knowledge management in education: how to create quality knowledge through the e-learning environment which is positively related to students’ perceptions of their learning outcomes; and secondly, how to develop communities of practice to ensure effective transfer of tacit knowledge to improve student learning The present thesis aims to explore knowledge management in relation to the economic crisis using the case of Greek firms. For that purpose a sample of employees was (PDF) PhD Thesis: Knowledge management during an economic crisis: The case of Greek firms | Dr. Chris Mantas - blogger.comimated Reading Time: 21 mins Thesis On Knowledge Management Phd, Cheap Persuasive Essay Writer Websites Uk, Parkroyal On Pickering Case Study, Ejemplos De Curriculum Vitae Para Turismo. We can complete your Thesis On Knowledge Management Phdassignment in as little as 3 hours, but urgent orders are more expensive. Plan your time wisely and save up to 50% on any paper!/10()
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Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF. PhD Thesis: Knowledge management during an economic crisis: The case of Greek firms. Chris Mantas. Download Download PDF Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package This Paper. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF.
Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. The present thesis aims to explore knowledge management in relation to the economic crisis using the case of Greek firms. For that purpose a sample of employees was selected from firms in various sectors, and an additional 11 managers and employees were interviewed. The results of the research indicate that employees have an overall positive perception over knowledge management but there are some issues, mostly having to do with corporate culture and the lack of use of state-of-the-art KM information systems, thesis on knowledge management phd.
However, knowledge management can be a vehicle of development for firms that seek to exit from the economic crisis. Hence, firms should not allow the economic crisis to drive them into reductions of knowledge management programs and strategies, but instead should focus on utilizing knowledge management so as to improve their performance.
RECENT CHANGES IN THE FIRM CORPORATE CULTURE Knowledge Management places emphasis on the hard resources of organisations. To a large extent, it involves the nurturing of a learning environment that enables socialisation, externalisation of knowledge, and knowledge transfer, where individuals are motivated to share, create and acquire knowledge Liebowitz, The creation of such a social reality can become an important core competence that will enable organisations to acquire a sustainable competitive advantage.
The implementation of a knowledge management programme can constitute a source of conflict, since fear of change and resistance to change may bring about problems such as anxiety of losing power and defensiveness Hofstede, Hofstede and Minkov, Still, as will be seen in the literature review, knowledge management can be misapplied and abused in order to provide a pretext for downsizing and job-cuts.
Particularly in times of economic austerity and harsh measures, a knowledge management programme may be seen as suspicious by many employees.
It is important to take into consideration the fact that in order to apply the knowledge management approach, the company or organization needs to incorporate open systems, and its social contexts need to allow for knowledge sharing. Those are issues that will be examined in detail later in the dissertation. These resources enable the organisation to implement strategies that increase its effectiveness and efficiency.
The theory of resources and capabilities makes two assumptions which facilitate the understanding of the significant impact of the indoor environment on the design of the strategy of an organisation.
To the extent that the success of an organisation depends on its resources and capabilities, these characteristics are a subject of strategic interest.
Resources can be categorised into three types: natural, human and organisational. Natural resources include raw materials, machinery and innovations; human resources include personnel and its abilities, knowledge and available experience; and organisational resources refer to the various funds needed in the management, thesis on knowledge management phd, leadership and business organisational components. However, the company's resources themselves are unlikely to create a competitive advantage and, even if this happens, the advantage created will not be sustainable.
Therefore it may not be sufficient for a company just to have various resources at its disposal; it is also important that these invaluable resources are combined in order to build a capacity or capabilities.
Consequently, the capabilities of an enterprise derive from the correct combination and integration of a set of resources, thesis on knowledge management phd. Thesis on knowledge management phd is the link that combines the various resources of an organization effectively. For every employee this knowledge is unique, since it is an amalgamation of their own ideas, perceptions, feelings, pieces of information and of course their experiences.
In applying knowledge management, the predominant problem may often lie not in the system technology but rather thesis on knowledge management phd the fact that it is difficult to change the work habits of employees. If a KM system is not tightly knit with the workflow, the workload of an employee may actually be increased for the satisfaction of special KM requirements. For an organisation as a whole, this process can be a waste of time and resources.
Furthermore, the implementation of a KM system which does not pay attention to employee cooperation can only preserve the explicit knowledge in an organisation. In the context of this effort thesis on knowledge management phd tend to lay off some of their human capital in order to reduce cost. This leads to a subsequent change of organisational structure as well as a loss of knowledge, since the holders of knowledge are discarded from an organisation.
An employee who has been laid off may take his or her knowledge to a competitor and exploit it accordingly. Thesis on knowledge management phd theory approaches need to share their knowledge and let this knowledge move freely within the various structures of the company so as to become a capital. Most organisations may not fully realise the serious repercussions that the loss of this significant resource can have.
Research by Remery et al. Therefore in evaluating a KM system one should also consider whether a KM system provides links between knowledge flow and employee work routine, as well as helps to improve cooperation of knowledge workers.
Linking work and knowledge management to enable users to leave experiences and knowledge behind in their daily routine is a prompt and efficient way of accumulating knowledge. Knowledge management also provides a convenient environment for employees to cooperate and innovate, thesis on knowledge management phd. By routinely saving data during the work process, when the work day is finished the experiences and knowledge are already stored in the system, thesis on knowledge management phd.
But under strenuous economic conditions, companies can experience difficulty in meeting the needs of workers and in effect provide the latter with the incentive to have a better performance, thesis on knowledge management phd and knowledge sharing. In view of Maslow's needs theory, if the basic needs of workers are not met, then employees do not feel highly motivated, nor do they have self-esteem, or integration through the creation of new knowledge.
In effect, creativity becomes a secondary consideration. Knowledge, whether abstract or empirical, is an alive, dynamic and collective valuable, which is preserved within the organisation through the maintaining of a cohesive culture, stable industrial relations, thesis on knowledge management phd, confidence and security.
While it is beyond the scope of the research to criticise the effectiveness of the political decisions made to tackle the crisis, it is nevertheless evident that company employees are the ones who have suffered the most.
Therefore, the intention of the first research question is to examine knowledge management from the perspective of the current economic crisis. Hussain et al. One of the negative outcomes of the economic crisis is that companies have to reduce their costs spent on knowledge management programmes and practices so as to save money and cope with the economic conditions.
Hence, the second research question investigates whether Greek companies have reduced funds allotted to KM practices and in general what the impact of the economic crisis on KM practices is. This question can be answered through examining the resources provided for KM practices during the last years, thesis on knowledge management phd. The third research question investigates whether knowledge management can comprise an opportunity to get away from the negative effects of the economic crisis.
Since there is only limited literature on the topic, this research question is investigated through the use of a questionnaire and quantitative research, which spans a sample of workers, thesis on knowledge management phd, managers and executives. The final research question attempts to provide new knowledge to the current literature, by examining whether knowledge management may contribute to the creation of a culture that allows the company to overcome the economic crisis.
As mentioned earlier, KM is a practice with the capability of leveraging the performance of the organisation. The discovery of the concept of knowledge management can be attributed to Ikujiiro Nonaka and Hirotaka Takeuchi in the year of They presented the concept as an extension of the concept of organizational learning at that point of time. Their work was then further refined by the research efforts of Polanyi when the research work established that the concept of knowledge management plays a pivotal role in overall organizational development and evolution as well.
The process of knowledge transfer also includes active quest for, and carving of all together novel and formerly unknown knowledge. This very much includes varied manners in which the knowledge gets transferred between people and organizations. The process of knowledge management also involves how various processes are to be controlled so that desired results can be garnered. Knowledge can be beneficial for organizations only in the case when organizations know how to manage it.
The first obstacle in process of understanding knowledge is to distinguish it from closely related but dissimilar concepts. Knowledge is best described in terms of being a cognitive process. As per the viewpoint of Polanyi is the very act of knowing.
Knowledge is the process of believing, interpreting and comprehending the data available. The very act of making use of information and data is what knowledge is all about. Based on the above, we should highlight the importance of knowledge in the organization. It is essential thesis on knowledge management phd this knowledge is not considered simply as a capital managed through creation, transportation and storage of knowledge. Knowledge, is the most effective form of the abstract or empirical state of the organization and it is an alive, dynamic and collective good that is enshrined in thesis on knowledge management phd organization through the creation of a single culture, stable industrial relation through confidence and security.
One thing that should be taken under consideration is that organizations ought to work more to support experience and Knowledge Management offering and procurement, and combine them so that they are used both by the administration and workers.
It is important to enhance the human capital and the representatives' interest in tackling issues by enhancing their insight and experience through the frameworks they need to accomplish vital goals in the long haul. Long-term Wafa thesis on knowledge management phd Akram, These requirements should be more proof for the refinement of market orientation toward fusing receptive assets. Grewal and Tansuhaj, Moreover, a genuine change of the administration and administration models is important to overcome customary inefficiencies.
Additionally, trans-division and universal collaboration could prompt another advancement of the area. Notwithstanding, some important changes of the administration methodology are required, to get over the customary sense of self anti extremism, to actualize non- bureaucratic and participatory choice making components, to construct the administration framework around information, knowledge, straightforwardness and capabilities.
More centered research on this area and on the exhibitions of social associations have to be done. In times of emergency, comprehension of the current conditions and the on-going patterns must be the significant focuses for absolutely confrontation of the present and future difficulties.
As a major aspect of the examination group, this thesis on knowledge management phd one of the primary obligations of an organization, towards the social parts. Hawkes, Suppositions are separated with reference to whether the most reasonable manifestation of post capitalist society will turn out to be one focused around far reaching unified yet law based arranging or a type of management socialism in which markets supplement fair arranging Nove, Therefore, Knowledge Management should be applied so that there are concrete examples of its application.
Wang and Belardo claim that a crisis is difficult to anticipate. An organization has to always screen its authoritative surroundings and to be careful when it identifies some irregular cases. An organization also needs to create new knowledge from inner information assets and realise what the cautioning signs of the potential emergencies are, so as to create reasonable systems to discover the cautioning signs of thesis on knowledge management phd kind of crisis.
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