service quality management: a literature review ABSTRACT Service quality becomes the crucial issue for hospitality industry and the theory of service New Zealand are the service quality, perce ived r isk factors, user input factors, employment, and education. In the same stream of researc h, Eboli and Mazzulla () also used ordinal A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview of statement or the study’s goals or purpose. *This sample paper was adapted by the Writing Center from Key, K.L., Rich, C., DeCristofaro, C., Collins, S. (). Use of P ropofol and emergence agitation in children: A literature review. AANA Journal, 78(6
Literature Review Samples - Research Prospect
Yong He, Hongfu Huang, Dong Li, Chunming Shi, literature review on service quality, Sarah J. Wu, " Quality and Operations Management in Food Supply Chains: A Literature Review ", Journal of Food Qualityvol. Fordham Road, Bronx, literature review on service quality, NYUSA. We present a literature review on quality and operations management problems in food supply chains.
In food industry, the quality of the food products declines over time and should be addressed in the supply chain operations management. Managing food supply chains with operations management methods not only generates economic benefit, but also contributes to environmental and social benefits.
The literature on this topic has been burgeoning in the past few years. Sincemore than articles have been published on this topic in major operations research and management science journals. In this literature review, we concentrate on the quantitative models in this research field and classify the related articles into four categories, that is, storage problems, distribution problems, marketing problems, and food traceability and safety problems.
We hope that this review serves as a reference for interested researchers and a starting point for those who wish to explore it further. Food quality, including safety, has been a major concern faced by the food industry, partly due to a series of food safety crises and scandals [ 1 ].
Quality of the food products continuously changes as they move along the supply chain, which can lead to significant social, economic, literature review on service quality, and environmental consequences.
Food spoilage is one of the major issues related to food safety and quality. When food products move from farms to food processors, food retailers, and end customers, spoilage cannot be avoided. Food perishability may cause huge wastes. It is estimated by the United Nations that approximately one-third of all food produced for human consumption is wasted each year.
In addition to the economic impacts, food perishability also caused food safety problems in many regions. According to the WHO [ 7 ], about million people became ill after consuming contaminated food each year. Among themdied, includingchildren under the age of five years. This has raised serious concern about food safety in many countries, literature review on service quality.
The improvement of preservation technologies has provided many tools to reduce waste and improve safety in food supply chains. Many extensive literature reviews have been conducted on preservation and traceability technology adoptions in food supply chains.
For example, Mercier et al. Badia-Melis et al. The adoption of various temperature control or traceability technologies allows information to be gathered to optimize inventory decisions, distribution decisions, and retail literature review on service quality even enhance safety in food supply chains.
Also, the research progress in operations management provides many opportunities for companies to reduce product waste due to decaying and to enhance food quality. Akkerman et al. In this article, we mainly concentrate on the quantitative operations management models related to food quality management. The goal is to present the latest research development in this field and to identify future research opportunities. As such, we propose the following two research questions: 1 what are the state-of-the-art development and trends in quantitative operations management research regarding food quality management?
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 presents the methodology of this research along with a descriptive analysis of the existing studies. Section 3 provides details of operations management problems and related research along the food supply chain, including storage, distribution, marketing, and traceability optimization. Section 4 is about the research implications and directions for future research.
Section 5 discusses the conclusions and limitations of this review. To address the research questions, literature review on service quality, the study reviews the literature of food quality management in supply chains, literature review on service quality.
The study aims to review published peer-reviewed articles in the targeted area from to Articles are collected from several databases, including Elsevier, Wiley Online, Informs, Springer, and Hindawi. The search was conducted based on the combination of two categories of key words; one is related to food quality and the other is related to operations management. Using such kind of keywords search in the databases, we found articles in total. In this stage, all articles were prudently reviewed.
The searching guidelines and results are presented in Table 1. An article was removed from this study if it was not related to food quality, operations management, or not using quantitative methods. The remaining publications were then classified according to a conceptual framework proposed in Section 3. The number of publications in different time periods is presented in Figure 1 to show the evolution of research interest in this topic. Between andthere were a total of articles on the operations management related to food quality in food supply chains.
The number of the articles is rather literature review on service quality before the year Then the number rises slowly from to Sincescholars have become more interested in this topic. The statistics show that while the total number of research in this area is still small, interest in this field has grown rapidly in recent years.
Figure 2 presents the distribution of articles in these major publication outlets. The articles included in this study were published in more than 30 journals on operations management or food quality. Apparently, the top journals are International Journal of Production Economics IJPEliterature review on service quality, Production literature review on service quality Operations Management POMInternational Journal of Production Research IJPRand Omega, which account for about one-third of the total amount.
The first half of the papers contributes to about 80 percent of the total papers. After carefully reading the articles, literature review on service quality, we found that these papers represent an appropriate overview of the current state-of-the-art research in the area of operations management and food quality control in food supply chains.
In this section, quality and operations management problems in food supply chains are discussed in detail. More specifically, we discuss the main issues with regard to related operations management problems, followed by a discussion of research challenges.
In order to identify the progress and gaps in the existing literature on food quality and operations management models, a conceptual framework is constructed to understand the key decisions, literature review on service quality, as shown in Figure 3. The framework helps us understand the achievements, challenges, and opportunities literature review on service quality the research on food quality and operations management models.
Section 3. Next, Section 3. Lastly, Section 3. A lot of researches deal with inventory management of perishable products, where their production or distribution planning is based upon an exogenous perishable rate.
For example, fruits in supermarkets will perish in the selling period until they are not safe to eat. In other words, the perishable literature review on service quality highly depends on not only the natural perishable rate largely determined by environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, light, oxygen content, and microbial content but also the preservation technology used in the warehouse and transportation vehicles.
Although the perishing process for food products is natural and cannot be stopped, it can be slowed down by specialized equipment, such as refrigerators and humidifiers, to make temperature low and humidity suitable for certain fruits. Hence, it is practical and important to consider inventory decisions with preservation technology investment decision.
The goal is to maximize the total profit or minimize the total cost by finding an optimal set of preservation investment level, price, or ordering quantity.
Hsu et al. Under the assumption that the deterioration rate is exponentially linked to the investment level, they proposed a method to determine the optimal replenishment cycle, shortage period, order quantity, and preservation technology cost so as to maximize the total profit per unit time.
Numerical examples were presented to obtain further results. Lee and Dye [ 12 ] extended the model of Hsu et al. An algorithm was also proposed to solve the optimization model and determine the optimal replenishment and preservation technology investment. Dye and Hsieh [ 13 ] assumed that the deterioration cost is associated with both the preservation investment and the time instance. The objective is to find the optimal replenishment and preservation technology investment strategies while maximizing the total profit per unit time over the infinite planning horizon.
Dye [ 14 ] assumed that the deterioration rate is noninstantaneous and controllable. The generalized productivity of invested capital, deterioration, and time-dependent partial backlogging rates were used to model the inventory system. The uniqueness of the global maximization was proved using fractional programming. Chen and Dye [ 15 ] proposed a finite time horizon inventory and preservation investment model, in which the preservation investment can be different in each replenishment cycle.
They utilized particle swarm optimization to solve the nonlinear programming problem. He and Huang [ 16 ] studied the optimal preservation, pricing, and ordering decisions for a kind of seasonal products. Hsieh et al. A particle swarm optimization approach was also employed to solve the nonlinear programming problem.
Singh and Sharma [ 17 ] studied an inventory model with ramp-type demand rate, controllable deterioration rate, literature review on service quality, and two-level trade credit, in which shortages were allowed and partially backlogged. Bardhan et al. They studied two models depending on the on-hand stock finish time: before and after the deterioration starts.
Yang literature review on service quality al. They studied a retailer selling perishable products to customers and offering a credit period to its customers to buy the products. They established a model to determine the optimal trade credit periods, preservation technology investment, and ordering strategies that maximize the total profit over a finite planning horizon.
Unlike previous studies, Dye and Yang [ 20 ] treated the selling price as a decisions variable. Theoretical results were obtained to demonstrate the existence of an optimal solution for literature review on service quality inventory problem. A simple iterative algorithm was utilized to solve the proposed model by employing the theoretical results.
Features of the proposed model were illustrated with sensitivity analysis. Kouki et al. They studied the impacts of the application of Time Temperature Integrator TTI technology on the inventory management decisions. Zhang et al. The analytical solution for dynamic service investment was obtained under the given sales price, preservation technology, and replenishment cycle by solving an optimal control problem.
The impact of common resource constraint on the optimal investment policy was investigated. They found that for a relatively low common resource capacity, the firm prefers to invest in service improvement rather than preservation technology. Mishra [ 23 ] studied an EPQ problem considering uncertain and controllable deterioration rate.
How To Write A Literature Review In 3 Simple Steps (FREE Template With Examples)
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A literature review is a survey of scholarly sources that provides an overview of statement or the study’s goals or purpose. *This sample paper was adapted by the Writing Center from Key, K.L., Rich, C., DeCristofaro, C., Collins, S. (). Use of P ropofol and emergence agitation in children: A literature review. AANA Journal, 78(6 Nov 18, · The literature review is a section in dissertation or research paper where you need to summarise existing research information of different scholars. It should be relevant to the topic and written from secondary sources service quality management: a literature review ABSTRACT Service quality becomes the crucial issue for hospitality industry and the theory of service
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