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The United States presidential debates were a series of debates held for the presidential election. The Commission on Presidential Debates CPDa bipartisan organization formed inorganized three debates among the major presidential candidates.
The first of these presidential debates took place on September 26, second order election thesis,and set the record as the most-watched debate in American history, with 84 million viewers. The second debate took place on October 9, and the third took place on October All CPD debates occurred from approximately 9 p. to p. EDT 6 p. Only the Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton and second order election thesis Republican nominee Donald Trump met the criteria for inclusion in the debates, and thus were the only two to second order election thesis in the debates sponsored by the Commission on Second order election thesis Debates.
The CPD-sponsored vice presidential debate took place on October 4, Only Democratic nominee Tim Kaine and Republican nominee Mike Pence appeared in it, second order election thesis. On September 16, the commission announced the official invitation of both Clinton and Trump to participate in the first debate to be held on September 26 at Hofstra Universitysecond order election thesis, but Johnson and Stein did not meet the established criteria, and would not be participants in the debate.
It was also announced that Mike Pence and Tim Kaine would be participating in the only scheduled vice presidential debate, to take place at Longwood University on October 4. Moderators for the four debates were announced September 2, Over the combined six hours of debate time at the three presidential debates and one vice presidential debate, second order election thesis, the issues most raised in moderators' questions were the Syrian civil war six questions and terrorism four questions, second order election thesis.
Trump Foundationthe strengths of the candidates' opponents, the skills of the vice presidential nominees, the second order election thesis faith, the low favorability ratings of both candidates, the paid speeches given by Clinton, Trump's Twitter posts, Clinton's "basket of deplorables" remark, Clinton's "look," and the candidates' behavior.
The debate moderators failed to ask a question about climate change at any of the three debates, [9] although Clinton did touch on the issue twice as part of responses to other questions. Mannas well as activist group orgcriticized the failure of the debates to address the issue.
The following polls were conducted prior to each of the respective debates, and determined the candidates who participated in each debate. Candidates in green participated in the debate, while those in red were excluded. Italics denotes the leading candidate in the respective poll. The following polls were the most recent conducted prior to September 16,the polling deadline for both the first presidential debate and only vice presidential debate:.
The following polls were the most recent conducted prior to October 4,the polling deadline for the second presidential debate:. The following polls were the most recent conducted prior to October 14,the polling deadline for the third presidential debate:. All presidential debates including the vice presidential debate ran from p.
EDT [35]. The first debate took place on Monday, September 26, second order election thesis, at New York's Hofstra Universitymoderated by Lester Holt of NBC. It was originally scheduled to take place at Wright State Universitybut the venue was changed due to security and financial concerns. The first presidential debate second order election thesis divided into six segments, each of approximately 15 minutes in length, second order election thesis, with the moderator introducing a topic and giving each candidate two minutes, followed by approximately 8 minutes and 45 seconds of facilitated discussion between the two candidates, with both candidates receiving approximately equal time, second order election thesis.
The questions discussed during the 90 minutes were at the sole discretion of the moderator, and were not shared beforehand with the commission or with either campaign. Each candidate spoke in front of a podium.
Besides applause at the beginning and end of the debate, there was no audience participation allowed, but sporadic applause occurred at various points throughout the 90 minutes. The segments were on the economy and job creation, trade, the federal deficitrace relations and policing, the war on terrorthe foreign policy of the United Statesand each candidate's experience in the political and business realm.
Writing on September 28, FiveThirtyEight found that every scientific poll to that point had suggested that voters thought Hillary Clinton performed better than Donald Trump in the debate.
A panel of Los Angeles Times analysts consisting of Doyle McManus and two others found that Clinton won all six of the debate segments. The performance of Lester Holt as moderator of the debate received mixed reactions, with political critics stating that Holt struggled to keep control of the debate, and although second order election thesis challenged both candidates, Holt's repeated attempts to get the candidates to adhere to the time restrictions were ignored. Michael M.
Grynbaum of The New York Times described Holt's performance by stating "He was silent for minutes at a time, allowing Hillary Clinton and Donald J.
Trump to joust and bicker second order election thesis themselves—and sometimes talk right over him—prompting some viewers to wonder if Mr. Holt had left the building. Holt's conservative approach seemed designed to avoid the opprobrium that befell his NBC colleague, Matt Lauer, whose performance at a forum this month was widely panned after he repeatedly interrupted Mrs. Clinton and failed to challenge Mr. And for most of the first presidential debate, he stayed there, letting the battleships of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump shoot their missiles at one another.
It made for some memorable exchanges between Trump and Clinton, matched in close-up on most networks. But it also left some gaps where viewers probably expected sharp questions. The debate set the record as the most-watched debate in television history, with 84 million viewers across the 13 channels that carried it live and were counted by Nielsen, surpassing the previous record of These numbers do not account for the millions of viewers who watched the debates online and the second order election thesis who watched the debate at parties, bars, restaurants, and offices.
The vice presidential debate took place on Tuesday, October 4, at Virginia's Longwood Universitymoderated by Elaine Quijano of CBS. The candidates were seated at a table with Quijano. The debate consisted of nine segments, second order election thesis, each 10 minutes in length. Both candidates were given two minutes to respond to questions, with the remaining time used for a deeper discussion of the topic. Quijano asked questions about Donald Trump's temperament, second order election thesis, the economy, Social Security, police and race relations, nuclear weapons, abortion and religious faith.
Two hours before the debate took place, the website of the Republican National Second order election thesis declared Pence the clear winner, writing "During the debate we helped fact check and monitor the conversation in real time GOP. The post was removed prior to the start of the debate, but not before getting widespread press and social media attention.
Rachel Maddow of MSNBC said that the debate was occasionally "incomprehensible" due to the number of times that the candidates interrupted each other. Elaine Quijano moderated and thereby became the first Asian American to moderate a U. debate for national elected office in the general election, [72] and the youngest journalist to moderate a debate since According to Nielsenthe four broadcast networks and the three largest cable news channels averaged around 36 million viewers.
The second presidential debate took place on Sunday, October 9, second order election thesis, at Washington University in St.
Louismoderated by Martha Raddatz of ABC Newsand Anderson Cooper of CNN. The debate was conducted in a "town meeting" format on Sunday, October 9, with an audience of uncommitted voters selected by the Gallup Organization.
The CPD originally second order election thesis that half of the questions come from the audience, while the other half would come from the moderators "based on topics of broad public interest as reflected in social media and other sources. Moderators chose from the 30 most popular questions. Candidates had two minutes to respond with an additional minute for the moderator to facilitate further discussion.
Members of the audience were allowed to ask questions. The eight questions, in order, were: [79]. The first portion of the content was dominated by discussion of a tape of Trump making lewd comments about women to Billy Bushwhich had been leaked two days earlier.
Trump attempted to deflect criticism by making counter-accusations of sexual misconduct against Bill Clinton. Trump had invited four people who had accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault to a press conference prior to the debate and accused Hillary Clinton of attacking those same women. Trump stated that if elected, he would appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Secretary Clinton in relation to the matter. Clinton responded by remarking that the country was lucky that someone with Trump's temperament was not in charge of the law, to which Trump promptly responded, "because you'd be in jail.
An array of scholars, including political scientists and law professors, criticized Trump's pledge to imprison Clinton, saying that it reflected an anti-democratic impulse. Questioner Ken Bone, a power plant operator from Illinois, had a media presence and became an Internet meme in the days second order election thesis the debate.
His rise to popularity was due to his name, his red sweater, and his use of a disposable camera prior to and after the debate. Bone appeared on ESPN College GameDay and midnight. He was portrayed by Second order election thesis Moynihan during the cold open of NBC sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live 's October 15 episode, dancing to the song " Get Ready for This ".
According to Nielsen, approximately The third debate took place on Wednesday, October 19, at PM PDT at Nevada's UNLV campus [] between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The format mirrored that of the first debate: 90 minutes divided into six topical segments of approximately 15 minutes each.
The moderator began each segment with a question and gave each candidate two minutes, followed by facilitated discussion between the two candidates, with each receiving approximately equal time.
Questions were at the sole discretion of the moderator. Each candidate was stationed at a podium. Audience participation was confined to applause at the beginning and end of the debate.
The debate was moderated by Chris Wallace of Fox News Channel 's Fox News Sunday. The topics, announced in advance of the debate, were: debt and entitlements, immigration, economy, Supreme Court, foreign hot spots, and fitness to be president. Trump's use of the phrases "bad hombres" and " nasty woman " spurred massive viral backlash.
It was held at the University of Colorado Boulder 's Macky Auditorium on October 25, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Main article: Commission on Presidential Debates. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton New York. Businessman Donald Trump New York. Legend cable news network broadcast network online streaming Total television viewers Network Viewers NBC 18, ABC 13, CBS 12, FNC 11, CNN 9, Fox 5, second order election thesis, MSNBC 4, Viewers 25 to 54 Network Viewers NBC 8, ABC 4, CBS 4, CNN 4, FNC 3, Fox 2, MSNBC 1, Total streams reported Network Streams YouTube 2, [60] Facebook 8, second order election thesis, [61] CBS 2, [62] CNN 2, [58] Yahoo 5, [59] Twitter 2, [63] Source: adweek.
Senator Tim Kaine Virginia. Governor Mike Pence Indiana. Legend cable news network broadcast network Total television viewers Network Viewership NBC 7, CBS 6, ABC 6, FNC 6, CNN 4, MSNBC 3, second order election thesis, Fox 2, Viewers 25 to 54 Network Viewership NBC 2, CBS 1, ABC 1, CNN second order election thesis, FNC 1, Fox 1, MSNBCsecond order election thesis, Legend cable news network broadcast network online streaming Total television viewers Network Viewers CBS 16, ABC 11, CNN 11, FNC 9, Fox 5, MSNBC 5, Univision 2, [99] FBN[99] Viewers 25 to 54 Network Viewers CBS 6, CNN 4, ABC 4, FNC 2, Fox 2, MSNBC 1, Total streams reported Network Streams YouTube 1, [98] CNN 2, [] Twitter 3, [63].
Legend cable news network broadcast network online streaming Total television viewers Network Viewers FNC 11, ABC 10, NBC 10, CBS 10, CNN 8, Fox 6, MSNBC 5, PBS 2, Univision second order election thesis, Telemundo 1, FBNCNBCViewers 25 to 54 Network Viewers NBC 4, ABC 4, CBS 3, FNC 3, second order election thesis, CNN 3, Fox 3, MSNBC 1, Univision 1, TelemundoCNBCFBNTotal streams reported Network Streams YouTube 1, [] CNN 1, second order election thesis, [].
Commission on Presidential Debates. Retrieved August 1,
A CMC Capstone Senior Thesis Presentations
, time: 57:13ELECTION | meaning in the Cambridge English Dictionary

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