Jul 14, · Include your hobbies and interests at the very end of your resume. Keep it short and descriptive. Ideally, your resume should be one page in length. While you might be tempted to simply list your hobbies and interests to save space, a brief and descriptive statement after each one is Resume help hobbies and interests. 20+ Best Hobbies and Interests to Put on a Resume. Show you and be part of a team—especially if your team experience is leaner in the work sphere and you are applying for a team-based resume. A bit of creative writing can both showcase your creative side, but also interest your strengths as a writer or 25+ job-relevant hobbies and interests to use on your resume 1. Sports. Sports are one of the best hobbies for your resume. Playing a sport shows that you’re energetic, healthy, and 2. Outdoors activities. Putting outdoors activities like hiking or camping on your resume is a great way to show Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins
Hobbies & Interests on Resume: Complete Guide [+15 Examples]
This site uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. To learn more visit our Privacy Policy. To learn more visit our Privacy Policy Got it! Adding a list of hobbies and interests to a resume— —not a good idea, right? The hiring manager better not think that of you!
So if you think listing pastimes and passions on a resume is a waste of time and spacein a moment you will see why this resume resume help hobbies and interests is not the one to cut. In this guide: Should you put hobbies on resumes? What about a list of interests for resumes? A top 10 list of hobbies and interests to include in a resume for that extra oomph.
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Explore our resume examples and guides : Retail Resume Engineering Resume Sales Representative Resume Teacher Resume Should You Put Hobbies and Interests on a Resume? In interviews, the hiring manager asks themself: would I ever want to be stuck sitting on a flight next to this candidate?
This is called the airline test, resume help hobbies and interests. A two-year study of hiring managers on cultural matching had some surprising findings: Employers sought candidates who were not only competent but also culturally similar to themselves in terms of leisure pursuits, experiences, and self-presentation styles.
Concerns about shared culture were highly salient to employers and often outweighed concerns about absolute productivity. So, adding a hobbies and interests section might be just the ticket.
Which ones add value for me? Excellent question! This is where a targeted resume is crucial. Save the space for more important info, e. your skills or achievements on a resume. While there are some critics, most career experts agree on the benefit. Or if the job is to blog about golf. For example, I am writing this piece now thanks to my love for writing for my old travel blog. General blogging can be a boon to a copywriting, journalism, or editing resume.
However, my travel blog would be completely irrelevant were I applying to become an electrician or commercial painter. Volunteering Having an interest in helping others and giving back to your community is a commendable look. Since volunteering mixes your interests with actual work experience, we recommend you create a separate volunteer experience resume section.
Traveling Traveling can be great to add to any role where you may have to travel a lot, of course. Also, it can show off your inclusiveness, well-roundedness, and cultural awareness—perfect for modern work environments. Having an artistic hobby or interest also subtly speaks of your creativity, resume help hobbies and interests, making it possibly a good option on a marketing resume, for example.
Be specific. Also, know that adding reading as an interest or hobby is risky. Video Gaming Video games seem as they would be unprofessional on a resume, right? However, they can be useful on an IT-related resume, for example, as gaming often implies a greater understanding of technology.
Also, many tech companies or teams even use the multiplayer variety as a kind of team-building exercise, resume help hobbies and interests. Strategic Gaming Games like chess, jigsaw puzzles, or the ancient Chinese Go can show your strategic thinking and long-term planning. Yoga HR managers are often fond of yoga and yoga practitioners. Extra credit for you if you run yoga sessions—show all those things with a dash of leadership skills to boot!
WHAT WE LOOK FOR - Team Player: we work hard, together. We take initiative with or without direction. Rate my article: interests. Average: 4. Written by Christian Eilers. Christian Eilers is a resume expert and a career advice writer at ResumeLab. His insights and career guides have been published by Business Insider, FitSmallBusiness, Business News Daily, OppLoans, First for Women, and UpJourney, among others. Christian offers comprehensive advice on career development and each step of the job resume help hobbies and interests, from start to finish and beyond.
His guides cover looking for new jobs, sending application documents such as resumes and cover letters, acing interview questions, and settling into the new position.
Resume help hobbies and interestshe has written over in-depth, meticulously-researched career advice articles in collaboration with the most renowned career experts in the world. In his spare time, he enjoys traveling and learning about cultures and traditions from around resume help hobbies and interests world. Was it interesting? Here are similar articles. Tom Gerencer.
Christian Eilers.
Hobbies and Interests you Need to Include on a Resume
, time: 1:15List of Hobbies and Interests to Put on a Resume or CV (21 Examples)

Jul 14, · Include your hobbies and interests at the very end of your resume. Keep it short and descriptive. Ideally, your resume should be one page in length. While you might be tempted to simply list your hobbies and interests to save space, a brief and descriptive statement after each one is Feb 03, · When someone has a unique hobby, they come across as creative. Hobbies and personal interests on resume can become the central point of discussion in an interview. Time-consuming hobbies on resume present you as a dedicated person. They might also present you as being hard-minded and cracking a nut without any tools/5(91) Apr 23, · When putting hobbies and interests on your resume, remember: Only include activities and passions which increase your value as a candidate. Personal interests and hobbies you add to your resume should be relevant to the position, company, and the team. Remember that employers want someone who’ll fit in well/5(52)
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