Mar 21, · Download paper. Download. Essay,Pages 4 ( words) Views. Tonight alone, twenty-three percent of citizens in the United States will become homeless. Ninety-four percent of people living on the streets are single adults, four percent are part of families and two percent are unaccompanied runaway minors Homeless people should not be living in the streets Homelessness is a subject that a great deal of people doesn’t take into consideration. It is a huge problem not only in the United States but also around the world. An individual encounters homelessness when they lose their house or is born without one Homelessness in america Essay. Words6 Pages. Homelessness in America. Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country
Homelessness In The United States Essay | blogger.com
Throughout the United States it has been stated that betweenandResaner people are homeless homelessness in america essay and night. Homelessness is something that affects people of all ages, races, backgrounds and religions. The problem of homelessness is not something that only happens in the large cities, it happens everywhere. There are people with many different problems that force then to become homeless.
They do however all have one thing in common they have nowhere to live. Some factors that contribute to homeless in America that make it unpreventable are the lack of education, economic factors and mental illness. Lack of education is something that is looked down upon in todays society. The more education, homelessness in america essay, the better a person will be in the work force.
Children are taught from a very young age to stay in school, however a good number of then will not finish. From making that one decision childrens lives will be changed forever. Some will make it and some will end up with no where to turn. Nearly twenty six percent Nichelason 17 of our homeless population are people under the age on eighteen years homelessness in america essay. These young kids have no education and in return no way to provide for themselves.
So many of them turn to illegal activities to try and better their lives. If the children do have a family their situation is not much better without an education. Most homeless families do not stay in one place very long so the children can not homelessness in america essay school, homelessness in america essay. The parents often need the children to work to help provide for the family. For adults the average that an illiterate adult will earn is forty-two percent less Resaner 89 then a high school graduate.
Being an illiterate person causes a lot of trouble since they can not read newspapers, get a drivers license or even attempt to fill out a job application.
The lack of education for our homeless is a key factor in what is bringing then down to that level. Even if we promote staying in school and push our kids to the limit there are still factors that make them not finish. Lack of education is one main reason that homelessness can not be prevented. Some of our homeless did receive an education but because of other factors in their life found themselves on the streets.
One of these factors is the economic factors in the United States. People today are also becoming homeless because of economic factors. Good people with educations are becoming part of the homeless problem. More then eight million people are unemployed and without benefits Rossi Those are people who are spending every last penny they have to prevent themselves from being a statistic.
However, most within a few months will have no choice but to turn to the streets. People losing jobs is something that happens everyday around the United States. Many of the bigger manufacturing industries and other companies around America have had to close due to the economic difficulties. Companies today also like to save as much money as possible so many have relocated to countries where it is cheaper to do business.
Every year since the s two million Americans have lost their jobs due to economic factors Ropars From the companies closing and moving out of the country it makes it very hard for people who want to work to find a job. This is a huge problem in the Unites States and is a problem that can not be solved. So since the problem of ecomonic factors can not be soved, neither can homlessness.
It can not be solved because the companies will continue to go where the money is for them. Along with lack of education and economic factors another key factor of why homelessness can not be prevented is mental illness. Mentally ill men and women make up nearly 66 percent Rasaner 30 of those homeless living on the streets around the United States.
Inscientists at John Hopkins University found that homelessness in america essay percent of homeless men and 49 percent of homeless women studied had serious mental illnesses Resaner Even though there is homelessness in america essay and hospitals where most of the illnesses can be treated, there are not enough rooms and money to help everyone. There is only so much funding homelessness in america essay can be given to help the mentally ill.
Patients also have a hard time admitting that they have a problem and need some help, homelessness in america essay, so often shut out the opportunity to get help. So, in future they are forced to fend for themselves and many end up homeless, homelessness in america essay. Most of the mentally ill have disorders that make it impossible to function in society. For these people it is a never ending cycle of problems with not much hope for help.
Between andthe number of placements in state mental hospitals declined fromtoResaner With time this trend will begin to get worse, as doctors are under pressure to discharge mental patients to try and save money, homelessness in america essay.
Mental illness is another contributer to homelessness that can not be prevented. Homelessness is a probelm that can not be over looked, homelessness in america essay. It is happening all over our country, with both the young and old. It is affecting all raced and backgrounds. This problem with homelessness has been know in our counrty for many years, and will continue to be a part of it. It a terrible thing homelessness, but it can not be prevented.
There are many contributers to the probelm, and not all can be fixed at once. This homelessness in america essay was written by a fellow student. You may use it as a guide or sample for writing your own paper, but remember to cite it correctly.
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Homelessness in america Essay. Words6 Pages. Homelessness in America. Here in Tahoe, we are lucky enough to experience a great quality of life, and only a few have to face the horrible life of poverty and homelessness. However, nationwide, even right outside the basin, homelessness is a growing epidemic across the country Apr 12, · Homelessness in the United States of America. Life brings along a lot of good and bad affair. We, however, try to focus on the good which brings us happiness, but the bad affair sometimes tends to ruin the good times. One of the bad affairs that the society today faces is homelessness. Homelessness can be defined as not having a fixed roof over one’s head or living in temporary /5(45) May 06, · Throughout the United States it has been stated that between , and , (Resaner) people are homeless everyday and night. Homelessness is something that affects people of all ages, races, backgrounds and religions. The problem of homelessness is not something that only happens in the large cities, it happens blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins
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