Saturday, November 27, 2021

Essay about travelling and tourism

Essay about travelling and tourism

essay about travelling and tourism

Introduction to Travel and Tourism. Tourism is travel for leisure, recreational and business purpose. Tourists can be defined as people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual surroundings for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes by the World Tourism Organization Dec 08,  · Importance of Tourism Essay: Tourism is outlined as travel for pleasure or business; to boot the concept and observe travelling, the method of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and conjointly the business of operational blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Argumentative Essay Sample on Travel and Tourism: Pros and Cons. Samples Until recently, the gigantic tourism industry has been doing well, very well. In the year , million people were traveling all over the world. As the popularity of the tourism industry is growing rapidly, the image of travel and tourism begins to evolve

Travel and Tourism: Essay

Traveling refers to movement from one geographical location to another either for recreation or work. Majority of the people who love traveling do it when they are young because of the availability of adequate time and lack of pressing responsibilities such as work and family Hasbrouck, Traveling is an important past time activity that is fun and that exposes people to other countries, cultures, and societies.

Travelers learn a lot because traveling necessitates changes in lifestyle and ways of communication. Moreover, travelers learn new languages, essay about travelling and tourism with people from other races and ethnicities, and explore new geographical locations Mitchell, Individuals who travel regularly possess adventurous spirits that yearn for new experiences to learn new things.

Despite having numerous benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is costly, exposes individuals to the risk of contracting diseases, and causes excessive fatigue. Traveling offers people an opportunity to visit interesting places, learn new things, and meet new people 5 Benefits of Travelling It is one of the best ways to interact with people from other races, cultures, and ethnicities.

For example, there are very many cultures in the world that have preserved their traditional beliefs, customs, and practices. Visiting countries such as Kenya, Mexico, China, essay about travelling and tourism, and India is an occasion to experience such unique cultures. On the other hand, meeting new people who speak different languages and who live differently is exciting and educational. Travelers also visit interesting places that have great cultural and historical value 5 Benefits of Travelling For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, the Machu Picchu in Peru, and the Pyramids in Egypt possess great historical and cultural value.

Learning about their histories can help travelers to comprehend the cultures, traditions, and customs of different tribes essay about travelling and tourism societies, as well as their dynamics.

In certain cases, one of the requirements of traveling abroad is learning the language that is used in the country that one intends to visit. English is an international language. However, it is not spoken in all countries. Therefore, it would be necessary to learn new languages in order to enhance effective communication and interaction with people who speak indigenous languages Thumb, n.

There are numerous historical sites to visit around the world, and visiting them teaches furnishes knowledge about their historical significance to various countries and cultures Marks, n. For instance, people who travel to Egypt learn a lot about the pyramids as well as when and why they were built. Exploring the cultures practiced by different communities increases appreciation for human diversity Mercer, n.

Traveling allows people to improve their communication skills and create networks that can be beneficial in their lives Mercer, n. Interacting with people who speak different languages and who have different cultures is challenging. However, it is important for the improvement of communication skills.

Multicultural interaction is an essay about travelling and tourism skill in the contemporary society especially due to globalization and technological advancements Mitchell, Learning to interact with different cultures inculcates strong communication and social skills that are beneficial in personal essay about travelling and tourism professional life Marks, n.

On the other hand, it helps to create networks that can be used in different areas of life. For example, travelers can create a business, essay about travelling and tourism, social, political, and religious networks that can help them to improve their lives, communities, and society at large.

The international labor market is open for exploration to everyone around the world. Therefore, possessing strong networks and multicultural communication skills is beneficial and necessary, essay about travelling and tourism. Traveling exposes people to different living styles. For instance, travelers from developed countries who travel to developing countries get an opportunity to see the effects of poverty, ignorance, and diseases on communities.

This makes them grateful for their lives. Also, it enhances the development of compassion and empathy toward the needy and the suffering.

Traveling exposes people to new cultures, societies, people, and lifestyles Mitchell, They develop new ways of looking at the world, and it also gives their lives meaning.

One of the major disadvantages of traveling is the costs involved. Traveling is expensive and involves the use of money that many people cannot afford Thumb, essay about travelling and tourism, n. For example, traveling to foreign countries by plane is costly and people incur numerous expenses that can have severe financial consequences.

Many people only travel locally because they cannot afford to travel internationally. Traveling includes other expenses such as food, entertainment, and accommodation Thumb, n. Both local and international travel offer opportunities for exposure to new people, places, and cultures. However, essay about travelling and tourism, the pricey nature of trips and vacations prevents many people from indulging and enjoying the many thrills they offer.

Another disadvantage of traveling is the risk of exposure to diseases and deadly illnesses. In the past few years, outbreaks of deadly diseases such as Ebola and severe acute respiratory syndrome SARS have been reported in several countries. These diseases put the lives of travelers at risk because they can cause death within a very short time once contracted. In many countries, governments impose travel bans to regions that have been flagged for disease outbreaks.

A disease outbreak can lead to the quarantine of affected individuals until the disease is contained. Quarantine causes inconveniences and delays that can interfere with the exhilaration of taking a trip.

Traveling requires a lot of time and planning, essay about travelling and tourism, which can cause great stress and fatigue Hasbrouck, Preparing for a trip is time-consuming because of the need to book accommodation, arrange for transport, and make all the necessary inquiries. On the other hand, trips usually involve pre-arranged plans that eliminate flexibility and the freedom to engage in other unrelated activities. Following strict schedules creates rigidity that eliminates the fun that is involved in traveling.

Choosing a trip is primarily based on the purpose of travel. People usually travel for reasons that include recreation, tourism, migration, work, religious pilgrimages, business, trade, and volunteer work among others. Others travel to relax, discover new things, explore, and get acquainted with new cultures Hasbrouck, If an individual is traveling to relax or for recreation, they may choose to visit historical sites and beaches. On the other hand, people who travel to learn and explore new places may choose to visit countries where communities that have preserved their traditions are found.

For adventure, they may choose to travel to countries with mountains and forests that can provide fun and enjoyable experiences. Those who travel for migration reasons choose countries that provide the opportunities they are looking for. The steps to choose a trip include the establishment of a purpose for traveling, research regarding countries and regions that can fulfill that purpose, and determination of all the requirements for traveling to that location such as vaccination and learning a new language or skill.

There are various types of trips available that serve the aforementioned purposes. The two most important aspects of taking a trip are to determine the purpose of traveling and selecting the most appropriate travel option. People travel for many reasons that include relaxation, recreation, work, business, adventure, essay about travelling and tourism, migration, and exploration.

Taking trips is beneficial because it offers an opportunity to learn, interact with new cultures, essay about travelling and tourism, learn new languages, improve communication skills, gain new insights and perspectives regarding life and the world, and meet new and interesting people.

In contemporary society, traveling has been made easier by globalization and technological advancements. Despite its benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is expensive, time-consuming, cause fatigue, essay about travelling and tourism, and exposes people to risks of diseases. It is important for travelers to determine the purpose of their trips in order to enable them to choose the most appropriate travel plan or program.

It is also essay about travelling and tourism to make all the necessary inquiries and arrangements before traveling to avoid getting stuck in new places. For example, it could be necessary for a traveler to learn the basics of communication or language when traveling to certain areas of the world where indigenous languages essay about travelling and tourism used. This is necessary for the enhancement of communication and interaction.

Hasbrouck, E. The Practical Nomad: How to Travel Around the World. New York, NY: Avalon Travel Publishing. Marks, H. Mercer, L. Educational Benefits of Travel.

Mitchell, S. Global Adventure: Travelling Around the World. New York, NY: AuthorHouse. Thumb, C. The Pros and Cons of Travel. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy. Table of Contents.

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Writing ideas about Travel - IELTS WRITING TASK 2

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Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages - Words | Essay Example

essay about travelling and tourism

Argumentative Essay Sample on Travel and Tourism: Pros and Cons. Samples Until recently, the gigantic tourism industry has been doing well, very well. In the year , million people were traveling all over the world. As the popularity of the tourism industry is growing rapidly, the image of travel and tourism begins to evolve Dec 08,  · Importance of Tourism Essay: Tourism is outlined as travel for pleasure or business; to boot the concept and observe travelling, the method of attracting, accommodating, and entertaining tourists, and conjointly the business of operational blogger.comted Reading Time: 7 mins Introduction to Travel and Tourism. Tourism is travel for leisure, recreational and business purpose. Tourists can be defined as people who travel to and stay in places outside their usual surroundings for more than twenty-four hours and not more than one consecutive year for leisure, business and other purposes by the World Tourism Organization

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