Similarly, the thesis also focused on customer loyalty programs to promote the customer loyalty. Loyalty programs are such programs offered by a company to encourage their customers on contin- Dissertation On Customer Loyalty Customer Satisfaction And Profitability Our company hires professional essay writers to help students around the world. Dissertation On Customer Loyalty Customer Satisfaction And Profitability Our skillful essay writers supply writing and editing services for academic papers. Our subjective is to create an ideal Customer satisfaction Customer loyalty Company’s profitability. In conclusion, the data generated in this study were analyzed and the findings were discussed according to the various questions that served as a guide for the collection of data
Dissertation on Customer Satisfaction Free Essay Sample
The purpose of this research is to examine the relationship between the customer satisfaction and dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability level of service quality.
In this study the dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability between the customer satisfaction and high level of service quality in the context of Tesco retail store will be explored. A survey was conducted among the people who come to the Tesco for shopping in the Becton city of UK. An interview was taken with each customer and asked the predetermined questions part by part.
To analyze the data descriptive statistics and inferential statistics were used. Means, Standard deviation, Variance, and Percent values which are known as descriptive statistics. Correlation analysis was used as inferential statistics. For this purpose Pearson correlation of coefficient was chosen, dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability.
The aim of this analysis is to show the degree of relationship between the customer satisfaction and the high level of service quality, the core objective of this study. The findings of this study shows that customer satisfaction and service quality of the retail store are highly positively correlated. Satisfied customer is the asset for the organizations. When customers feel satisfied they become loyal to the organization and come back again and again to the store.
Dabholkar et al. The relationship between the customer satisfaction and the high level of service quality will be evaluated in the context of Tesco retail store in this study. Customer satisfaction is the prerequisite for making relationships. When the full expectation of a person is met then he or she will be satisfied. Satisfaction is the multi-dimensional construct and when the product or service is consumed customer satisfaction is the feeling or attitude to the product or service Jham and Khan, Mittal and Kamakura explained how imperative the satisfaction of the customer for succession of the consumer goods producer.
Darian et al. Hence, customer satisfaction has been adopted as the most imperative long term objectives of the organizations Cooil et al. Like any other service industry the retail industry is facing a rapidly changing market. Development of new technology, fears of doubtful economic, dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability, aggressive competition, changing climate are incomparable set of challenges to lower cost, increase efficiency, improve service quality, and increase customer satisfaction.
High level of service quality is essential for success in retail business. The problem is that all retailers do not provide high level service to the customers. According to Darian et al. It is supported by the several researchers that retailers should realize the comparative significance of various aspects of retail performance to customers. Moreover, they need to focus on the key factors influencing customer satisfaction in a retail setting. It is supported by the several studies that high level of service quality is imperative for customer satisfaction and most of the retailers can not ensure high level of quality service.
Hence in this study the researcher will investigate how much effectively Tesco offering high level of quality service and the association between the high level of service quality and customer satisfaction.
High level of service quality resulting in satisfied customers is the key to sustainable competitive advantage. In this study the association between the customer satisfaction and high level of service quality in the context of Tesco retail store will be explored. The objectives of this research are given here- 1.
To explore the relationship between the customer satisfaction and high level of service quality of retail store; 2. To identify the factors of service quality of retail store; 3. To evaluate the effects of customer satisfaction resulting from high level of service quality; 1. How are customer satisfaction and high level of service quality of retail store related to each other? What are the factors of service quality of retail store? How do customer satisfaction and high level of service quality affect the performance of the retail store?
To success in this competition companies require to satisfy their customers by delivering high level of quality service. Now the evaluation of the customer satisfaction of retail store has emerged as a topic in need of research Young, Thereby conducting a dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability on the relationship between the customer satisfaction and service quality of a retail store is contemporary and imperative.
This study has done in a structured way. The structure includes five chapters. Chapter Literature Review-literature review will cover introduction of the literature, concept of the service quality, measurement of the service quality, service quality dimensions of retail store, a conceptual framework of service quality in retail store, customer satisfaction, measurement of customer satisfaction retail customer satisfaction, a conceptual framework of retail customer satisfaction, the relationship between customer satisfaction and service quality, dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability, theoretical framework for customer satisfaction and service quality, effect of customer satisfaction on profitability, consequences of customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction, effect of customer satisfaction on customer loyalty and retention, summary.
In its first store was opened in London and at the beginning of s it became very familiar in UK and it established its branches in every high street of UK. It started many revolutionary innovations in the s. Tesco Metro which is a city centre that meets the demands of local shoppers and Tesco Express which is the first convenient petrol station in UK these two new concepts of store was developed by Tesco.
In this company formed a joint venture with a Royal Bank of Scotland to provide financial services. com was established on the back of existing stores started on By spending low capital it was profitable from the beginning and it used key internal recruitment.
In it started its international operation and progressively expanded its activities. Now it accounts for half of its total retail room. As it has been increasing focal point on non-food sales by store and on-line service. Now Tesco is the largest CD retailer in UK. Aims of Tesco are to improve service and providing better value rather than price alone. For these principles Tesco carry its business into non-food, dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability, services and international operations.
Its ability in process management applies to the idea management that helps to logistics and layout of store. Tesco seems that The UK is the leading market for retail business. But now it has expanded its business to various non-food items.
Today these parts of Tesco generate? Tesco has updated this objective slightly by emphasizing its responsibilities in these areas. Building brands gives its business more meaning with its customers. As its business continues to grow and diversify it needs more leaders to run many substantial business and support functions within the Group.
Well-established brand helps this company to expand its market. From the products of Tesco the most successful in the loyalty card is its Club card that provides this company with a class leading ability to spot rising trends, attracting consumers and also influencing the behavior of the secondary customers to make them a regular customer into the fold.
A rational strategy for international expansion is another influencing Factor of Tesco. In addition to expand business into up and coming markets in Asia and Europe it introduce different products, dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability. Tesco is different from the existing, homogenous American supermarkets by its innovative format. There is a gap between these stores with capitalizing in west coast grocery trade.
The customers who search for the best quality products choose Tesco. Tesco drives its growth in the new places and also dominates its local market. Tesco identify that there are four issues behind the success of innovation. These are- try to do new things, without self-righteous, always be prepare to adapt change, and think dissertation on customer loyalty customer satisfaction and profitability no other organizations will achieve more customers.
These issues always help Tesco to achieve this position and compete in the competitive market. Customer satisfaction is the precondition for the ultimate success in business.
One thing that is very much essential to satisfy customer is providing better customer satisfaction. High level of service quality which keep the customers satisfied is the key to sustainable competitive advantage Ismail et al. On the profitability of the organization customer satisfaction has a constructive consequence.
Retailing consists of those activities performed by merchant or retailer in order to offer goods and services for sale to final customer. Through retailing consumer get goods and services for personal or household consumption.
Retailing includes goods and services such as: daily necessities, cloths, and meals at restaurant etc. Because of retailing ultimate customer get goods and services at convenience location. As retailing is last point of distribution channel, retailers have good relations with the ultimate customer by providing goods and services what they need and want.
Besides selling goods and services retailers promote products and take sales strategies to create customer satisfaction. Long term satisfaction to a particular retail store make customer loyal to that store. According to Ghylin et al. Service quality is used by the organization to measures the satisfaction level of the consumers as well as to improve the products and services in the specific area where there is gaps between expectations and perceptions are broad.
In contrast, service quality scale is the mean to evaluate quality service parasuram,zeithaml,and berry, Feinburgand and de ruyter claimed dimension can evaluate supposed service quality.
They added perceived quality of service is made of multi-dimensions. He alson noted that traditions influence belief, philosophy,verval communication and previous experience and customers awareness about the service which frame his service perception.
But here the relationship between perception and expectation is not identified and its impact on quality of service is not clarified. Gronroos showed service quality comprises of 3 international dimensions. The first one is technical quality which means the value received by the customer from the service.
Retail store contain various offerings and the adequate parking space. Second dimension is the functional quality which stands for the service regarding delivery process. Customers of a retail store will assess the friendliness of sales force and the easy returning process of products.
The last one is the corporate image. Store image depend on both technological and functional quality and other factors.
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