Corporate Social Responsibility, Research Paper Example. Pages: 6. Words: Research Paper. This Research Paper was written by one of our professional writers. You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins ABSTRACT There is a rising trend among companies to publish their sustainability or corporate social responsibility (CSR) reports. Assurance of these reports is a valuable voluntary tool to provide them with higher credibility. more Jul 05, · This paper discusses three contextual issues that warrant more and improved consideration in CSR research, with particular emphasis on CSR reporting research. There has, in recent times, been an increasing interest in understanding corporate social (and environmental) responsibility (CSR) and, in particular, CSR reporting in developing blogger.com by:
Corporate Social Responsibility Research Papers - blogger.com
To browse Academia. edu and the wider internet faster and more securely, please take a few seconds to upgrade your browser. Skip to main content. edu no longer supports Internet Explorer. Log In Sign Up. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR 31, Followers. Papers People. Corporate Leadership and Mass Atrocity. With the last Holocaust survivors quietly passing away, one might corporate social responsibility research papers expect to see accountability debates slowing to a trickle.
Surprisingly, however, recent years show an upswing in corporate World War II-related atonement debates Surprisingly, however, recent years show an upswing in corporate World War II-related atonement debates. Interest in corporate participation in mass atrocity has expanded worldwide; yet what constitutes ethical corporate behavior during and after war remains understudied.
This study demonstrates that ethical business leadership requires taking responsibility for past as well as current decisions. Most executives grappling with complex corporate histories work in isolation, in part because the scholarship on business ethics fails to provide guidance. Without such guidance, corporations often respond to accusations about their pasts with carefully crafted statements and legal strategie Save to Library.
This seminar was presented at London School of Commerce LSC in March The focus of the paper is rethinking corporate social responsibility research papers or mainstream data collection strategies informed by sourcing secondary data as alternative to corporate social responsibility research papers, The focus of the paper is rethinking traditional or mainstream data collection strategies informed by sourcing secondary data as alternative to politicised, doctored primary data, which limits knowledge extension on business research.
Impact of Non-life Insurance Penetration on the Economic Growth of Nigeria. Stakeholders' Responses to CSR Tradeoffs: When Other-Orientation and Trust Trump Material Self-Interest. A methodology for CSR reporting: assuring a representative diversity of indicators across stakeholders, scales, sites and performance issues. The decade since the mids has been marked by a new societal demand for measuring the performance of the business sector relative to a spectrum of sustainable development goals eg, De Marchi [1]; GRI [2]; WBCSD [3].
This emerging This emerging profile of Corporate Social Circular economy business models essentially fall into two main groups: 1 models focused on reorienting traditional business, and 2 models that involve creating a new business specifically aimed at recovering resources.
The timing and The timing and ways of transforming an old business into a circular one could find useful drivers in a systemic approach that involves policy makers and legislators to implement effective regulations and incentives, the financial sector, public authorities and civil society.
Is corporate social responsibility a new spirit of capitalism? Our study casts doubt on whether the managerial literature on corporate social responsibility research papers social responsibility is currently capable of developing a persuasive discourse to bring about change in corporate capitalism.
By applying the framework and However, corporate social responsibility deals inadequately with the two key characteristics of the spirit of capitalism—security and fairness—by disregarding individual security and tangible rewards for workers who play decisive roles in enacting the spirit. The lack of consideration for workers could weaken the potential of corporate social responsibility to grow into a new spirit of capitalism and to bring about changes envisioned by critical management studies in corporate capitalism.
This paper attempts to explore the dynamics of mining companies' CSR activities, sustainable development and the value of partisanship through a socio-cultural framework. Field stories are used to understand the dynamics and real Field stories are used to understand the dynamics and real challenges in the day-to-day implementation of CSR in the local 'arena', which is full of subtle but also complex socio-cultural aspects. Anthropological approaches, theoretical and empirical, are used to explain the context and relevance of socio-cultural issues with CSR and sustainable development.
At the end of the discussion, I propose the use of the ethnographic method as a company approach towards the implementation of CSR that is increasingly taking sides. The influence of brand image from CSR implementation on purchasing behavior in Agri-business. Corporate Social Responsibility CSR has long been a focus worldwide, and more and more industries are taking note. One important example is the agri-business, which has become a focal point of many debates.
Increasingly, consumers are Increasingly, consumers are demanding that agri-business company takes responsibility for their corporate actions.
The objective of this study were, first, the extend corporate social responsibility research papers CSR implementation contribute to building brand image, corporate social responsibility research papers. Second is to provide prompted conclusions if the perceived brand image from CSR implementation could be the introduced pattern that raise brand awareness for agri-business.
The study is conduct at Khmer Organic Cooperative Co. Khmer Organic Cooperative is one of the agri-business in Cambodia. Yet, it is the first company in Cambodia to receive organic standards from the EU in on vegetable category and USDA in The rationale for choosing KOC is because KOC is a known company that implementing CSR into their business activities from farmer to market but also has a robust internal system for quality control on their product that allows the general consumer to check the quality.
From the result of this study, consumers were most concerned and somewhat well-versed in CSR activities such as product quality, environmental issues, corporate social responsibility research papers, and employee issues.
An exciting finding has been derived from the conclusions of this result. First, there is an apparently contributed factor that CSR can build brand image among customers pointing that customers are more than willing to pay for a premium price and treat the brand as their preferred choice of brand when it comes to purchasing opportunity.
Also, corporate social responsibility research papers, with the perceived brand from CSR activities, it is likely to attract new customers and create loyal customers in the long run.
View Comments. Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in India: Exploring Linkages with Firm Performance. The study examines the corporate social responsibility CSR strategies and activities of firms as disclosed in annual reports, and explores its linkages to accounting and market performance of firms, corporate social responsibility research papers.
The study examines the annual reports The study examines the annual reports of a sample of 30 firms out of 50 belonging to the benchmark index of the National Stock Exchange of India and tracks these reports for evidence of CSR activities over a 5-year period from to The study employs content analysis to study CSR disclosure and classifies and rates these activities using items from an established scale followed by construction of category-wise CSR indexes.
The association of these indexes with firm performance is explored through a pooled regression model after provisioning for control variables and lag effects. The study finds that CSR reporting may not have any significant impact on accounting and market performance of the firm in the short term but environment-oriented CSR disclosure may be negatively rela Corporate Social Responsibility in India, corporate social responsibility research papers.
Search; Submit; Help; Your CDS: Your alerts; Your baskets; Your searches. Information; Discussion; Files; Holdings. Title, Corporate Social Responsibility in India Title, Corporate Social Responsibility in India. This book at Amazon. Edition, electronic version. The results of this experimental study indicate that positive prior CSR leads to higher sympathy and lower The results of this experimental study indicate that positive prior CSR leads to higher sympathy and lower anger and schadenfreude toward the company, than negative prior CSR or lack of CSR information.
Corporate Social Responsibility CSR. This paper issuing a Corporate Social Responsibility report. The term CSR report is often used instead of a triple bottom line report. The theory behind the triple bottom line is that it is in the interests of a business to act as a The theory behind the triple bottom line is that it is in the interests of a business to act as a steward of the environment, society and the economy. There are some controversies in CSR.
Enhancing supply chain performance through supplier social sustainability: An emerging economy perspective. Sustainability is gaining interest among academics and practitioners due to increased stakeholder awareness of environmental and social issues. However, relatively little research has been conducted on the extent to which firms have However, relatively little research has been conducted on the extent to which firms have integrated social sustainability aspects into the management of their supply chains in emerging economies.
The purpose of this article is to explore the social issues pertinent to suppliers and to identify measures and dimensions related to social sustainability in emerging economies.
Further, it explores the benefits suppliers and buyers gain by effectively managing such social issues. For this purpose, corporate social responsibility research papers, first, in-depth interviews were conducted with 27 supply chain managers. Further, a survey was conducted in Indian manufacturing industries and co-variance-based structural equation modeling was used to test the hypothesized model.
The findings reveal that there are 18 validated supplier corporate social responsibility research papers sustainability measures underlying five social dimensions: l The findings reveal that there are 18 validated supplier social sustainability measures underlying five social dimensions: labor rights, corporate social responsibility research papers, safety and health, corporate social responsibility research papers, societal responsibility, diversity, and product responsibility.
The results also suggest a positive relationship between supplier social sustainability practices and supply chain performance mediated by supplier performance. These results are relevant because they not only identify the social issues plaguing supply chains in emerging economies, but also have practical implications for organizations trying to build socially sustainable supply chains for competitive advantage.
Non-Financial Disclosure and Corporate Social Responsibility: The End of the Unternehmen an Sich? Commodity Politics: Contesting Responsibility in Cameroon. As the international community has called for more responsible environmental, social, and governance performance, the politics of commodities has become more fraught.
Commodity Politics cuts through the new rhetoric of responsibility and presents innovative research from Cameroon to provide a better understanding of the political complexity surrounding commodity production and trade in the twenty-first century. Assessing the perspectives of businesses, international organizations, governments, and civil society groups, the authors offer insights gleaned from years of field research in a commodity-dependent country, corporate social responsibility research papers.
Commodity Politics presents case studies of sugar, palm oil, cocoa, and the Chad-Cameroon pipeline project. These cases uncover a problematic politics that is much broader than the implications of corporate social responsibility codes for people and the planet, delivering solid rationales for policy-makers and commodity stakeholders to think more deeply about investor-driven approaches to improving environmental, social, and governance conduct.
This book trains students and scholars to better recognize political intricacies and consequential flash points. Immersing its readers in timely debates over the meaning and intent of responsibility, Commodity Politics breaks new ground in the political analysis of development.
Corporate social responsibility domains and related activities in Nepalese companies. Purpose — The paper aims to assess the corporate social responsibility CSR domains in Nepalese companies and explain the active CSR activities related to concerned domain.
Models of Corporate Social Responsibility - Includes the CSR Pyramid of Responsibility
, time: 6:57Corporate Social Responsibility, Research Paper Example

This paper aims to examine the relationship between corporate social responsibility reporting and earnings management. Precisely, we examine whether higher corporate social responsibility disclosures firms are gratified to perform in an accountable manner to restrain earnings management practices, thereby reporting higherquality earnings to investors Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become an increasingly important topic in our global society. Corporate Social Responsibility Across Europe is the first volume of its kind to bring Estimated Reading Time: 6 mins Jul 05, · This paper discusses three contextual issues that warrant more and improved consideration in CSR research, with particular emphasis on CSR reporting research. There has, in recent times, been an increasing interest in understanding corporate social (and environmental) responsibility (CSR) and, in particular, CSR reporting in developing blogger.com by:
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